aktiF-İz Youth Community is an informal youth group founded in 2011. Since then, we have implemented many projects for young people with fewer opportunities (orphans, young people with disabilities, and people with social disabilities), vulnerable groups, university students and volunteers in the civil society field. Our target group is the youth. We aim to help youth who are lack of opportunities to improve themselves and bring positive change to the world. We organize youth projects, campaigns, and activities mostly through non-formal education methods in order to raise awareness and encourage different youth groups to involve in solutions to the problems. We cooperate with youth-led organizations and other relevant institutions working in the youth field.
The themes of the projects that we implemented and are experienced are;
-Youth(participation, policies, employment)
-Digital Skills
-Social Responsibility
Briefly our activities/projects;
Projects we implemented and/or supported;
In the last three years;
- Cyber Youth Workers, Erasmus + TC, 2022, Serbia
- Being Entrepreneurs Like Villagers: Living Values Villages, Erasmus+ YE, 2022, Turkey
- Valuing the Youth Workers’ Expertise to Develop Social Entrepreneurship Erasmus+ PBA, 2022, Romania
- Act for what you believe Erasmus+ TC, 2021, Serbia
- #Ecochangemakers Erasmus, 2021, Romania
- Queen’s Tech Erasmus+, 2021, Macedonia
- Combating Extremism with Youth Force, 2021, Turkey
- Stepping in the shoes of social entrepreneurship Erasmus+ TC, 2021, Romania
- New Young Entrepreneurs, Erasmus+ TC, 2020, Macedonia
2019 *Virtual Action for Human Rights Education, Erasmus+ TC, Youth Work Association, 5-11.02.2019, İstanbul
2018 *Girişimcilik vs Yurt Çocukları 2.0: Gençlik Draması | Entrepreneurship vs Orphans 2.0 : Youth Drama Erasmus+ KA-1 Youth Exchange Project 2018-3-TR01-KA105-061629
2017 *Glamorize With Non-Formal Learning” implemented in Ankara between 26 August – 3 September 2018 by aktiF-İz Y.C. (Project Number: 2017-3-TR01-KA105-048414)
2017 *Girişimcilik vs Yurt Çocukları 1.0: İlk Adımlar | Entrepreneurship vs Orphans 1.0 : Baby Steps Erasmus+ KA-1 Youth Exchange Project 2017-1-TR01-KA105-042936
2016 *Empati: Hepimiz Potansiyel Mülteciyiz! – Empathy: We are All Potential Refugees! Erasmus+ KA-1 Youth Exchange Project 2016-3-TR01-KA105-037103
2014 *Mutluluk İçinde – Happiness is NOT Far Away (HAFA) Erasmus+ KA-1 Youth Exchange Project 2014-2- TR01-KA105- 012477
2013 *Şimdi Ben Senim – Step Into Others; Shoes (SITOS) YiA Action 1.1 Youth Exchange Project TR-11- E558-2013- R2
2013 *Bir İyilik Yap, Çöpe At! – Do a Favor, Throw Bin! YiA Action 1.2 Youth Initiative Project TR-12- E110-2013- R1
2012 *İşimiz Gücümüz Meslekler (İGM) – Our Work, Our Power is Jobs YiA Action 1.2 Youth Initiative Project TR-12- E728-2012-R3
2011 *Sen Gelecekteki Bensin – You are my Future YiA Action 1.2 Youth Initiative Project TR-12- 767-2011- R5
Projects/Programs attended abroad
*Act for what you believe, Theatre of Oppressed, Erasmus+ TC,2021, Serbia
*Step into the Shoes of Social Entrepreneurs, Erasmus+ TC, 2021, Romania
*Ecochangemakers, Erasmus+ YE,2021, Romania
*Queen’s Tech, Erasmus+ YE, 2021, North Macedonia
*HREload Training of Trainers on Human Rights Education, Erasmus+ TC, APICE, 7-15.10.2019, Italy
*The 11th edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum, Romanian NGDO Platform (FOND), 12-14.11.2018, Brussels, Belgium
*Youth 20 Summit (Y20 2018), Engagement Group track for the 2018 G20 Leaders’ Summit, 13-19.08.2018, Argentina
*Conference on Best Practices for Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals, Yerel İzleme, Araştırma ve Uygulamalar Derneği, 12.10.2018, İstanbul
*Dive Deeper Into Social Entrepreneurship KA2 Strategic Partnership (Training Course) | 3-9 March 2018 Iasi/Romania (Organisation: EuroDEMOS-Youth Alliance)
*GET IN NET – GIN TCP Training Course | 21-26 September 2010 Murcia / Spain (After this project, AGT has founded)
*Mountain – A Good Place For Knowing Each Other YiA Action 1.1 Project BG11 / A1.1 / 486 / R4 Bulgaria
*Do It NATURally Training Course | 9-17 May 2014 Vlesenica / Bosnia and Herzegovina
*New Program, New Future Erasmus + KA-1 Youth Workers’ Mobility | 15 – 22 September 2014 Malaga / Spain
*Chance Takers Future Makers – Youth Against Unemployment Erasmus + KA-1 Youth Exchange | 01-09 October 2015, Sremski Karlovci / Serbia
* Non-Formal Education in Erasmus+ Training Course | April 18-23, 2016 | Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
*14th International Youth Conference on European Values for the future of SEE Countries, Youth Alliance, 22-26.09.2016, Macedonia
*Challenge to Change on Youth Policy, Erasmus+ TC Project, Youth Council of Kljuc, 24.02-5.03.2017, Bosnia-Herzegovina
*Create YOU(th) SIDE Erasmus+ KA-1 Mobility Of Youth Workers (Training Course) | 15-22 October 2017 Wicklow/Ireland (Organisation: Eurobug)